Every October, the nation observes Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM). The month-long campaign provides an opportunity for the nation to focus its attention on acknowledging and understanding cancer disparities, preventive measures, and advances in new treatments. In recognition of BCAM, we want to give special thanks to all of our participants for the role you play in improving the science of breast cancer screening and for being part of our growing community. We encourage you to support organizations and institutions that advance breast cancer research, educate, and provide services to those impacted by this disease. And at the same time, be aware of “pinkwashing”.
Pinkwasher: (pink’-wah-sher) noun (coined by Breast Cancer Action in 2002): A company or organization that claims to care about breast cancer by promoting a pink ribbon product, but at the same time produces, manufactures and/or sells products containing chemicals or ingredients that are linked to the disease.
Breast cancer is not pink, and it’s not pretty. Far too often businesses use October as a time to create “pink” marketing campaigns, launching programs that suggest a portion of their sales proceeds will go to support breast cancer organizations and research, but not all programs are created equal, and many don’t actually do anything to advance the cause.
We hope you will find the articles in the October newsletter meaningful and informative about the factors that can influence your risk for breast cancer such as breast density, and some that you can actually do something about. And as always, we urge you to share WISDOM with the women in your life. With that simple act, you make a difference in improved detection of breast cancer which benefits all women.